Fibromyalgia Friends Support Group
Every Third Thursday meet up at 1.15pm the Manor in our comfortable private lounge.
This friendly supportive group have been an essential support network for people suffering from Fibromyalgia.
Managed by Mark, Trevor, Pam and Janet, the group aims to make anyone who suffers from Fibromyalgia to feel welcomed, supported and heard.
This amazing charity works throughout the year to provide a solid support network through the use of their website, social media and the regular meetings at the Manor.
Please call 0116 2988007 for more information - Mondays to Fridays 12 to 4pm.
MS Support Group
Third Monday of the month. 1.30pm - 3.00pm - Ulverscroft Manor
Come along and have a coffee and a chat with MS friends in the beautiful house and gardens of Ulverscroft Manor.
For more information please contact Kathleen Wass 07860 639693.
Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group
Every Second Thursday of the month. 1.30pm – 3.30pm –Activity Centre.
Have you or someone you care for been diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis? Would you like to meet and talk to others in the ‘same boat?’
For More information telephone 07588 169494.
Third Thursday of the month – 1.00pm - 2.30pm - Ulverscroft Activity Centre.
This friendly welcoming group offer a great support network for anyone suffering from Lipoedema. Sharing experiences, offering advice and a friendly ear over a hot drink, its the perfect place to feel heard and understood. Arrive early if you wish, to enjoy lunch in the manor lounge as part of our 'Support Thursdays lunch'
Please contact Kathleen Wass on 07860 639693.
Young Onset Dementia support group
Every last Thursday - 1.30pm – Activity Centre
A social group for people under 70 years of age, with Young Onset Dementia, their partners, friends, or Carers to enjoy Today. Support, Chat & Laugh Together. Activities include Kurling, Skittles, Boccia.
Please contact Kathleen Wass on 07860 639693 or email