Donations are essential to enable the Foundation to provide the wide range of unique and innovative services it offers to the elderly, adults with disabilities and young people. All donations are gratefully received and every penny you donate goes into the running of the charity and the work we do to help others.
If you qualify for Gift Aid, please download a form here so we can reclaim the tax on your donation.
Postal Donations
If you would like to send a postal donation please make your cheques payable to 'Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation' and send to :
Shuttlewood Clarke Foundation, Ulverscroft Grange, Whitwick Road, Ulverscroft, Leicestershire, LE67 9QB
Donate Online
It is now so quick and easy to donate online, please follow one of the links below to make your donation.
Your support is very much appreciated, thank you.
Make A Donation
Donate via our PayPal account. Enter the value you would like to donate and click the Donate button